Aamir Khan is now prepared to launch his nephew, Imran Khan in the Bollywood bandwagon. The name of the film is ‘Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na’ which will be directed by the well-known script writer Abbas Tyrewala, it will his first directorial venture. The film is produced by Aamir Khan who has earlier produced hit films like ‘Lagaa’ and ‘Taare Zameen Par’. Abbas Tyrewala has earlier written script for movies like ‘Munnabhai M.B.B.S.’ , ‘Maqbool’ and ‘Main Hoon Na’. ‘Jaane Tu Ya Jane Na’ will also mark the return of Mansoor Khan, who is the cousin of Aamir Khan. A.R. Rehman has given the background score for the film and has almost completed his work.
The first promos of the film have already hit the television screens on April 27 and lots of speculation has already been started about the film. Aamir Khan is now busy with the teaser of the film for the promotion of his nephew, which is innovation. In the theatrical teaser of the film, which is 2.5 minute long, which will take a dig at all the launches of the star and also on the well-toned bodies which includes Aamir, who has recently shaped up for his next release ‘Ghajini’. The film ‘Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na’ is a young and is like tongue-in-cheek and the same thing is reflected in the teaser. The promos will show that Imran with a perfectly toned body only to reveal his the boy next door look, which is the character of his film.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
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