Wednesday, October 08, 2008

great ideas are only worth a buck

An entrepreneur once told me that great ideas are only worth a buck, unless it takes form in reality. And I think the same rule applies to the field of advertising as well.

What makes one stand out in this field?

Ideation, for one, is a much desired task in making it big in this industry. It’s important to remain updated with events in the industry and stay abreast of developments that are winners all the way.

Personally, the only way you can be on top, is to stay on top! And that comes by challenging the status quo or ‘conventional thinking’ as conceptualized by John Kenneth Galbraith.

For lack of a simpler term, ‘rebellion’ against mediocrity and the willingness to experiment as well as sail into “unchartered territory”. Fortune does favor the brave!

Last but not the least, it is vital to plan and then, present your ideas to be ‘the next big thing’. And this takes a lot of adapting and improvising.

Very simply, a group of ‘open minds’ can achieve a lot in this industry as success will be at you fingertips if you so choose.

The Accord Agency, a direct response advertising company, lives by these very simple truths and has built a versatile base of clients and partners that use their services.

Well, to put it blithely, they’re on top because they stay on point, on task and play the game by the their rules. Game, set and match!

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